Benefits of Bathing
Water has long been harnessed to encourage physical and emotional wellbeing. Across the world, and throughout decades, water therapies and facilities have contributed to creating wellness experiences that provide lasting physical and mental health benefits. Our waters are an oasis of calm healing.

First Nations Peoples across Australia have deep connections to healing waters of all kinds, whether they be hot and mineral springs, seas and bays or rivers, billabongs and waterholes. These are often sacred places that have particular dreaming stories, ceremonies and cultural practices. There is a common understanding that when we care and heal Country, Country will care and heal us.
Balneology is the scientific study of the therapeutic benefits of naturally occurring mineral waters. Balneotherapists affirm that trace minerals in hot springs and the stimulating benefits of highly mineralised waters combine to stimulate and promote health and wellness.

Australian therapists are increasingly turning to water-based treatments for a variety of physical and mental health conditions. For example, thermal mineral bathing combined with massage can benefit work-related illnesses such as stress, back-related injuries and tinosynovitus (tendon inflammation). Rehabilitation for operations, accidents and treatment for operations, accidents and treatment for rheumatism, arthritis, gout, heart disease and infertility can also benefit from hot springs bathing regimes.
Thermal therapy research by European doctors has demonstrated that hydrostatic pressure in the body is increased when bathing in thermal hot springs. Bathing invigorates blood circulation and cell oxygenation, stimulating the body and enhancing its capacity to detoxify and improve digestion. Committing regularly to bathing can normalise the endocrine glands and invigorate the autonomic nervous system. ‘Hot and cold’ bathing, also known as contrast therapy, as well as ‘ice bathing’ also offer benefits to one’s wellbeing.

Throughout Europe and Japan, balneology and hot springs therapy has been incorporated within routine medical care treatments, and we are gradually applying this holistic approach to Australian treatments. Licensed doctors have come to recognise the value of prescribing bathing in mineral waters as part of a preventative approach to illness.
Adapted from ‘Benefits of Bathing’ by Peninsula Hot Springs